You’re making good money and your business is doing well, but you know deep down it’s nowhere near where you want it to be.
You’re ready to turn the dial all the way up and mark a moment in time between the past and what’s coming.
You want to be *the* authority in your niche and to not only use your voice powerfully but be heard…
Your need to be perfect is why you’re not showing up in the powerful way that gets you paid what you want.
But all the rule-following, getting it *right* and doing it perfectly hasn’t translated to you seriously selling it.
And that need for everything to be perfect is showing up as you held back to the exact people you’re wanting to buy from you.
Without even realising it, that dissatisfaction in business? The ‘I know there’s more available but I can’t work out how to get it’
It’s blocking your business growth and your bank account.
And it’s exactly why you’re not getting paid to do what you want.
You’re so ready for 2025 to be THE year you bring your fullest vision to life.
Right now, your business is doing well…
…it’s financially stable and predictable
but deep down you’re unfulfilled and only you know you’re nowhere near doing what you’re meant to be doing on this planet.
If you’re honest, your business doesn't feel like you anymore.
Your business is now a watered down version of who you used to be.
Because the moment your business started doing well, is the moment you decided to take it far too seriously.
“If I just did what I wanted, nobody would pay me.”
That's what you tell yourself all the time, right?
It’s not true.
Sitting in the audience doesn’t reflect your brilliance… and that frustrates you to no end.
But until you *own* that you’re meant to be THE ONE on stage… the one who commands attention, changes lives, and owns their brilliance… you’ll stay stuck in the crowd.
Right now, you’re selling things you don't want to, because you don't believe that you can get paid to sell what you want to.
And it’s why your clients don’t throw money at you constantly or stay for the evolution of your offer suite.
You’re choosing approval over authority… and it’s costing you high level sales.
Sure, your entry level offer sells like hotcakes. People jump in, love your work, and rave about it.
But when it comes to your high level offers? The ones that deliver huge results…
If you're honest, you're bored with your mainstream offers that sell on repeat.
Same old, same old every day.
Feeling cornered into pretending you’re excited about something that doesn’t genuinely excite you.
You’re either directly doing a come hither motion so your desired lover is magnetised only to you.
Or you’re trying so hard to fill them up on your niceness that all you’re getting is an indifferent (or repelled) look.
Getting clients isn’t the hard part. Where you’re constantly being overlooked is getting the dream clients for your highest level offer.
You're not being overlooked because your offer isn’t important.
You’re being overlooked because you're holding back in your unwavering belief in that specific offer.