Lauren White – The Business Sexologist

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Selling your high level offer is like seducing a lover into the bedroom…

Selling your high level offer is like seducing a lover into the bedroom…

You’re either directly doing a come hither motion so your desired lover is magnetised *only* to you.

Or you’re trying so hard to fill them up on your niceness that all you’re getting is an indifferent (or repelled) look.

Same person. Radically different response.

And also? Same *you*.

Just a very different way of presenting yourself.

Of holding yourself.

Of letting your inherent value be known, but without pushing it from a place of servitude. 

The key to being in your magnetic power as the leader you are is to lock in an elevated way of seducing who it is you want to work with.

Until you do this, your dream clients can’t buy from you. 

Clients who would otherwise be in your inbox, ripe to say an ecstatic ‘YES!’ are instead tilting their heads when they read your stuff and thinking... sounds good. But I don't CRAVE it.

Or worse, they’re feeling fed to the point of satiation and their hunger for more is totally turned off. 

Kind of like how a woman will think she's being nice in the bedroom by eagerly leaning forward and saying:

“Don’t worry about me and my pleasure. What can I do for you? What do you want? How can I please you” and all the other person feels is: deflated.

Where you thought they wanted to be *fed*, what they were actually looking for is to be led. 

And here's the bad news.

I guarantee you're trying to consistently feed your dream clients with your niceness, especially when it comes to your highest level offer.

You trying to fill them with niceness is the exact reason they aren’t hungry to buy.

The moment you shift your power and show up knowing your value, no matter what, that is when clients are going to throw their money at you.

Whether it's five, six or seven figure clients, every. single. one has needed to shift their power into a brand new gear when they start working with me.

And it's one of the first things we always do, and one of the key reasons why my clients have unheard of outcomes in the first 30 days with me.

This is what we do in my high-proximity, 1-month intensive container: Embodied Authority.  

You will:  

- Attract clients into your highest level offers like never before 

- Start congruently selling to who you want to work with (not HAVE to) that reflects how much *you* value your work.  

- Experience the deep satisfaction of being in the power seat of your business and your life behind closed doors.  

If you’re ready to sell your high level offer from being lit *all the way up* and turned on for yourself first…my work is for you.  

Here is where you make it happen.