Why you're not getting paid to do what you want

Your business is doing well…but nowhere near what you see others doing and it pisses you off. 

You see other women in business…

…relishing a freedom filled life that looks like they’re permanently on holiday

…posting about getting paid crazy money on repeat

…sharing the stage with highly sought after thought leaders

…selling high ticket offers at the same rate you’re selling your lowest ticket one

…getting lucrative partnership & publishing deals

…running sold out luxe events that are almost *exactly* like what you’ve envisioned

and it irks you to no end because you know it should be you. 

You can’t help but feel short changed because you’ve been in business for years and you feel like you’ve played the game. 

But without even realising it, that dissatisfaction? The ‘I know there’s more available but I can’t work out how to get it’

It’s blocking your business growth and your bank account. 

And it’s exactly why you’re not getting paid to do what you want.

When dissatisfaction and lack leaks into your business, it creates the exact block you’re trying to break through. It makes everything feel like hard fucking work.

Powerful and profitable businesses are built on conviction and leverage that conviction to generate more of not just what works but what they want. 

They focus on where the actual power is and 10X that to make the magic happen.

What they aren’t built on is always doing what they *think* they should. 

Or doing only what’s safe.

Or only what’s right.

Now for the revelation – the moment you shift out of dissatisfaction about what your business isn’t, and step into true self leadership by going all in on what you desire instead….

Everything changes. 

When you drop the ‘my business doesn’t do this for me’ and start fully showing up with power and intention, your satisfaction can finally start.  

You’ll be the one who has the unicorn business that ignites a fire in you and everyone who looks to you. 

You’ll feel your own gravitational pull in the dynamic that at one point you reduced down to ‘this is just the way it is’.

And that change, is fast 💦

I’ll get you to a place where you’re so convicted, so certain of yourself, and so powerful in how you show up that you can only marvel at how quickly you got the dream business you want.

If you’re ready to make the shift, Fully Expressed. Fully Paid. is for you. 

In one month, we’ll completely rewire how you show up for your high ticket offer so it reflects your truest desires, values, and expertise.  

You will emerge all the way lit up for yourself business and turned all the way on for the work that *actually* sets your soul on fire.  

Go here to claim it for yourself.