Open your throat to get what you want in business

I know you know the proverb: closed mouths don’t get fed. 


And in the context of business, closed throats don’t get what they want.  

There is no way you are going to get what you want in business unless you open your throat.  

But opening your throat is not about speaking to what already is or speaking for the sake of it. Opening your throat is about giving yourself permission to speak in the frequency of desire. 


If you want to open to receive more in your business, you need to indulge in this episode. I share with you: 

  • The 5 key offences that have happened within your throat that are completely surmountable.  

  • The lesser known way to start opening your throat and speaking to desire.   

  • The decisions and actions required to start operating less from survival and more from desire so that you can magnetise in new and exhilirating ways.  

  • How to access desire in and through your body with one of my favourite exercises that you can do (almost) anywhere.  

  • The specific repetitive acts you have to undertake in business if you are not currently getting what you want.  


If you know speaking needs to be a bigger part of your business but you’re feeling blocked from taking action to get more speaking opportunities, I’m hosting a LIVE workshop especially for you.  

In 90-minutes, I’ll show you: 

  • Exactly how to make speaking an exciting and profitable pillar of your business when it’s historically felt daunting or anxiety-provoking.  

  • What I’ve specifically done to become a better speaker and establish myself as an authority long before I had a podcast or got paid speaking gigs (and what you can do too). 

  • How to spot aligned speaking opportunities and become a guest or contributor that hosts and organisers can’t say no to.  

  • How to position and amplify yourself as a speaker in your business right now. 

  • Energetic practices to open your throat so that you can express yourself with power, clarity and full-body alignment. 

To design your unique path to speaking with power and pleasure in your business, get instant access to the White Hot Speaker Workshop here today.

The power and pleasure of a niche business

Rosie Cathro is my white hot guest today - she and I have been working together privately for almost a year and I have witnessed her make absolute magic happen to create what I see as a White Hot Business. With our deep rapport and truth revealing conversation, together we talk about what is required to have a powerful and profitable personal brand that works for you as the business owner. If you’ve ever wanted a look behind the velvet curtain of what it is like to work with me privately, this is it. 



In this episode, you’ll explore and feel empowered to create your own niche business by learning:

  • How Rosie has moved out of people pleasing in her business, trying to work with everyone and how her niche is the key to her success and personal power.  

  • Why she’s chosen her specific niche and how she works with subconscious depths to support her clients to come back into their power. 

  • Some of the metaphorical masks she’s had to dissolve to make her business White Hot

  • The reason behind choosing to work specifically with relationship anxiety and how anxiety tries to control you with the lies it tells about creating a niche business.  

  • Rosie’s business journey that has lead to cataclysmic growth and inner success in a short period of time – spoiler alert: it starts with powerfully deciding. 

  • How signing up to my Climactic program helped Rosie to discover herself personally and professionally and set her up to receive more of what she wanted (and didn’t know she could have) 

  • The ways Rosie has used her own work and methodology during the hard times and what she does to allow more power, pleasure and expansion into her business  


About Rosie

Rosie Cathro is a Certified Hypnotherapist specialising in supporting people who are experiencing intense relationship anxiety and low self worth to return to their secure, calm and confident self. She says: Anxiety always tells the story that this is forever and that's mirrored in the general support world with the message that you just have to accept it... But the truth is that anxiety is an experience you can move in and out of when you do the deep subconscious work that's needed to release it. 

To work privately with Lauren and experience business success and inner satisfaction, just like Rosie did, book a Connection Call here:

How to turn your business lows into your most powerful climaxes

I have a confession – my business F-ups and mistakes are one of the keys to my business success and in this episode - that is really a call to arms, I want you to experience the same.

What I know to be true is - in a world of highlight reels, I want to normalise talking about what doesn’t work in business and seeing how you can use your business lows to rebound even higher.  

You’ll be walked through how I see things through a different lens to most other personal brands and business owners. You’ll learn: 

  • What commonly triggers a low in business (and the first, most obvious place most women don’t look) 

  • Specific reframes on the bold actions you can take when money gets low 

  • Fresh twists on the inevitability of rejection 

  • How to effectively and swiftly come back to being turned on and White Hot rather than have a funk turn into a spiral 

  • The five specific actions I take to get back to my power in my business and get what I want 



Climactic Private Mentoring

Want to skip the queue and just start going deep so that you can climax higher in your business?  

Let go. 

Let yourself be held. 

Let yourself be known without the stories your little girl created that you still think keep you safe. 

These stories feel true but ultimately they keep you suspended, unable to expand beyond what feels “ok” or “good”… unable to tap into your pleasure… your joy… your Turn On. 

These stories stunt your growth. 

But relief is here. 

More aptly… 

Your release is here. Consider this your official invitation to plug into a new wave of electrical currents that are already secretly running through you (even if you don’t know it or trust it yet). 

Go there and you will finally embody the powerful and pleasurable energetics you admire in other women that your stories have kept in the distance… 

… always in the elusive future. 

Your Climactic business awaits. It’s time to bring it into the Now. 

Book your Connection Call with Lauren here -


10 Days of Turn On

If you're currently in a business low and want to elevate out to get closer to a climax, you have to turn on first. Over 10 days, you will receive my most potent and inspirational, written activations to help you shift your stagnant energy so you can… 

>>keep your personal power and pleasure at the forefront of your day and business 

>>show up in the ways you haven’t had the accountability to before and 

>>magnetise more of what you want. 

Start Turning On at 



Is your good girl Operating System running your business?

If you want to be more powerful and experience infinitely more pleasure, you first have to ask the question:

Is my good little girl energy sneakily running my business? 

There are multiple ways she could be and you’re about to find out exactly what they are.  

This theme of this episode was born out of the work that I’ve done in private mentoring with women who desire to embody the core pillars of my work – such as magnetism, sovereignty and sensuality... 

If you want all that, the first place we need to go to is your good little girl. 

After all, that’s what a Climactic Business is about – it’s about gracefully navigating the full spectrum of human experience, feeling and sensation so that when we go down and go deep, we have an even higher high awaiting us on the other side.    

In this must-listen episode, we clarify: 

  • The qualities of the good little girl   

  • How a good girl operating system works in the bedroom and business 

  • Why you want and how you can get the range and depth of a Climactic OS  



Claim your free 30-minute video activation that will help you upgrade your good girl Operating System to a Climactic Operating System so you can stop people pleasing to keep others comfortable and access what you truly desire…

To book in with with my Strategist and Business Astrologer Sophia Pallas (@sophiapallas) and experience a reading that will illuminate all of who you are in and what you were born for via your birth chart - I'd be honoured if you used my personal link to book with Sophia here:

And full transparency, as a proud affiliate of Sophia's work, I may receive a small fee when you say yes to yourself. 

Does a better sex life make a hotter business?

Sex. Business. Do the two converge?

Well, if there's a lack of pleasure in life, there's a lack of pleasure in business (and vice versa)

When it comes to having a better sex life, I know you've thought that it starts with your business getting better FIRST but this episode will flip that script entirely.

In this MA15+ episode, We cover:

  • My story that lead me to becoming a qualified sexologist

  • What repressed eros and sensuality in your business looks like

  • What happens in our business when we DO release through sex, orgasm and our bodies

  • One way you can start approaching your sex life with a skill set you already have

  • The words you need to abandon so you can reconcile and feel electrified

  • How knowing yourself sexually influences your decision-making and moves in your business 



Get White Hot Pleasure on-demand via my store:

How to speak about your business with total confidence and magnetism

Consider this episode a crash course in how to never have your voice waver. Never again.

If you have a business, you have to speak.

In this era, it isn’t enough to just speak in an ordinary way though.

You need to be an engaging, confident and magnetic speaker.

In episode 3, we discuss the importance of embodying confidence and magnetism in your speaking engagements to elevate your business. By speaking authentically, engagingly, and passionately about your business, you can attract clients effortlessly. 

We also deep dive into:

  • Owning your speaking skills

  • Strategies to take you from awkward to an empowered speaker

  • Effective communication strategies

  • Harnessing the turn on of pausing

  • Exploring vocal variety

  • Ways to speak with confidence and magnetic power



Get White Hot Permission on-demand via my store:


The biggest turn off to having a White Hot Business

There is a major turn off happening in your business right now that is probably so second nature to you that you don't even know you're in turn off.

Because you're just in your own mode of tolerating.

In your Business. In your Body. In your Bedroom - the biggest barrier and the biggest shadow part of you that is preventing your experience of power in all aspects of your life is this turn off.

If you want more in every definition - satisfaction, profit, personal success - course correcting this will move the needle for you.

In this powerful episode, you'll learn:

  • How this turn off is showing up in your business 

  • Why your power has been suppressed by this turn off and how we need to be honest about what it's doing for you

  • How this turn off speaks and the words & concepts it uses

  • What the antidote is to being in this turn off 

  • Why the antidote energy is the foundational energy you are invited to embody in my work


Get White Hot Power on-demand via my store:

What is a White Hot Business and how you can have one

If you have a business you describe as "good" "OK" or "fine" this immediately tells me your business is tepid or lukewarm at best.

Tepid or lukewarm is not the same as White Hot.

And in order to have a White Hot Business, you need to know exactly what that is so that you can take the aligned, turned on action.

In episode 1, we cover:

  • Why I changed my podcast from The Secrets Women Keep to White Hot Business and what the new direction entails

  • What happened to me personally between podcast seasons and why it needed to happen

  • What it means to have a White Hot Business and exactly what will change for you when you step into ownership of it

  • Why you aren't going to fear judgment or visibility again with this one truth

  • What happens when I work with women privately in Climactic mentorship 

  • What I predict for this next era of business as a woman who has a White Hot Business and why most en masse business programs don't work to make for a personally successful & satisfying business

  • What the most important ingredient is in a White Hot Business



Make 2024 your most Climactic year in business yet with private mentorship with Lauren. Book a Connection Call here:

White Hot Business Podcast Trailer

Your Business is about to become White Hot. 

Over more than a decade of working with women as a sexologist, business mentor and speaking coach, there’s one theme that runs through it all:

How comfortable you are with climax and your vocal expression is directly related to how willing and able you are to be in your power and pleasure in business.

(And a more powerful and pleasurable business = a more profitable and satisfying one) 

I’m your host, Lauren White, and as you’ve just heard, I’m here to get real with you about why what happens in your body, voice and bedroom is influencing your business confidence, speaking presence and visibility…

And what I see is smart, switched on, fiercely intelligent women who are in survival mode in their business (and the bedroom) – self-protecting, reacting, shutting down, defaulting to people pleasing, trying to be perfect, and saying I’m fine...

...all the while submitting to the most turned off of them all – the martyr.

It all comes down to your operating system and whether it's on track for being sensual, erotic and climactic, or is in the programming of your good “little girl” who's doing what she thinks she should do and what's expected of her… 

Instead of what she actually desires.

White Hot Business is a podcast that’s been luxuriously curated for you - a woman who wants to explore the unspoken parts of herself.

The shadow parts that are secretly running your business. 

We go to the most vulnerable place first because it will do the heavy lifting for you. 

The more you understand, heal, reconcile and express your sexual and sensual energy in private, the more there's that natural domino effect into every other facet of your life and that includes how you show up in your business in the public sphere. 

You learn your boundaries. 

You create standards.

You honour your consent, you learn your preferences.

You speak up for yourself and prioritise your comfort.

You learn to listen to your pulses, you learn to follow what it is that you want.

What it is that you desire.

You get out of need mode and into that frequency of desire

It is all of the inner work in one place.

Be brazen enough to go there and the rest will follow in your business.

This show will guide you to finally become the sovereign, magnetic and sensual woman that speaks with clarity and stands firmly in her power and pleasure – for more satisfaction and success.

Prepare to get the loving, revealing and truth-telling weekly wisdom you crave so you can transform from having a lukewarm business, to having a business that turns you ON and can only be described as White Hot.